Monday, October 15, 2012


Comedy: Comedy is a form of humor and comicality. Many people use comedy as a way to entertain others, and some use it for their own entertainment. There are many different types of comedy, various genres of it. For example, there's prop comedy, alternative comedy, physical comedy and many others. I for one am a huge fan of stand-up comedies and sitcoms. 

This is Gabriel Iglesias, a Mexican-American stand-up comedian who was born and raised in San Diego, California. His jokes are mostly race and obesity related, which makes it way funnier seeing that he's half Mexican and doesn't exactly have the built body of a model ;) He tells jokes as stories, as things that have happened to him in his life. Highly entertaining, if you ask me.

One of the greatest silent comedians of all time, I PRESENT TO YOU, Mary Pickford! Mary Pickford was one of the few female comedians of her time. She began her comedic career in the early years of the 1900s. Her cause of popularity was mainly based on her innocent looks. Mary was named the most woman in the world in the 1920s, but due to some problems in early 1933, Mary retired. 

Last, but not least, my favourite and fellow Malaysian, Dato' P. Ramlee! He created the most humorous movies and music, which has made a huge impact on Malaysians. For most of his life, he was the most famous person in Malaysia. Very well-known for his rare creativity. Legendary, he was. One to never be forgotten for his great talent.

In my opinion, different comedians have their own ways of expressing their humour. All unique in their own ways. Some in ways that only a certain amount of people can relate to. 

Some genres of comedy, not many are fans of. But I must say, comedy is comedy. It's ludicrous all the same. :D

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A self portrait is worth a thousand words. It can tell stories of magic and mystery or of nature and simplicity.
Though not animated, a self portrait has the capability to display heavy emotions and vividly describe the atmosphere of the world inside the picture. These works of art tend to be very realistic, and thus, expand the observer's imagination drastically. Different elements in a self portrait radiate their own meaning. For example, in the picture above, the presence of flowers surrounding the girl can be interpreted as symbols of delicacy, innocence, purity and beauty (not forgetting the nudity ;) hahaha ). The red skies can be interpreted as a symbol for the chaotic and difficult world the girl lives in.


Anime self portraits are highly detailed creations of a character in a fantasy world; an escape from the hardships of the cold hard reality we live in. If truly appreciated, we can successfully manipulate the story behind the picture, adjusting it as we see fit. It can be used to create a temporary satisfaction as in a world of fantasy, dreams come true and nothing is impossible. However, just because it is a fantasy world, that does not mean it is free of negative influence. For example, the dark and gloomy theme of the portrait above display the hardships and difficulties the character (Hiei) faces in his battle against evil.

My Self Portrait

Basically, this is two pictures of me, one of which i edited with the 'oh god why' meme to fit my personality.
It took me quite a while to successfully edit this picture as I have little to no experience or skills in photo editing. I slightly adjusted the contrast and brightness of both pictures to make me look my best. I chose this two year old picture as it is hard to find a picture of me showing my sexy shoulder (hehehe) ;) I am inspired by my personality, strange as it might sound, to pick myself up whenever times get rough, and brush off any burdens dragging me down in life. I want to show a different side of me, which I normally keep to myself.