Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2D Design Principles

This assignment is an excellent display of 2D design, not difficult for the mind to grasp, but simple, merely using coloured paper, A3 size mounting board, a blade and quite a lot of glue.

The following are my illustrations of the 8 principles of 2D design, followed by an explanation after each image.

-The beat and movement of subject-

With the face of Medusa as the starting point, the eye will follow the snakes (Medusa's hair) as they coil and straighten.

-The difference in size between one shape and another-

The scale principle is shown by the drops of wax from the lit candle coming closer, where they get bigger in size compared to the first few drops.

-The order of the object-

Hierarchy in this image is displayed in the form of the stages in life. Beginning as a baby, growing into a child, becoming a teenager, entering adulthood, and finally, old age.

-One element to rule them all-

The dominant element intended in this image is my initials, SR (Syafiq Rasyid) as it is, well, the only thing that seems to make sense in this (i dont know what this is) image. For those of you who know about this stuff, you might notice its kind of an Illuminati thingy, but I assure you that wasnt intended.

-The same thing over and over-

This is clearly representing repetition as the snowmen are all taking the same pose and almost identical to one another. (theyre supposed to be exactly the same but im not perfect... hahaha)

Symmetrical Balance
-Balance between elements- (hmm...)

This one might come across as a bit gay (cause theres two pairs of what look like men, with a heart between them) but the idea is symmetrical balance, i assure you. No reference to any sexuality intended.

Asymmetrical Balance
-Balance between balance, different elements- (what...)

I cannot tell you the theme of this image cause I dont know what snowmen and lightning and a question mark have in common, but it displays balance between balance. I dont really know exactly how to explain that, but thats what it is.

-The flow of the subject in one's art- (just go with the flow)

This was my first one, so its a bit messy, however, the movement is still kinda visible. Its up to you to decide whether the lines are moving up or down or squiggling sideways.