Thursday, January 10, 2013

Steam Punk

To be honest, I wasn't completely disheartened when I found out about the steampunk assignment, even though I've never been exactly sure of what on Earth it is, other than knowing its some sort of culture. So naturally, I went looking for the best information I could get, which is from history and special sites dedicated to it.

What I learned from a sort of brief scan through, is that steampunk actually consists of artistic and literary styles which take place in alternate realities where advanced technology is made possible with the help of steam engines, hence the name 'steam'.

If you see some of their ideas, you'll probably be like "ohh, so that's steampunk!" cause you've probably seen it somewhere, in a game or even a movie.

Steampunk Tank

Now that looks like one badass piece of machinery. Looks like it can wipe the floor with modern army tanks. I'd hate to wage a war with people who have this sort of artillery in their ranks.

Steampunk Computer (looks more like a console, but trust me, it's a computer)

No, it doesn't look very modern, but you have to admit it has a catchy look to it doesn't it? Actually using one would put you in a whole different world and make your imagination go wild. Admit it, you want one. Just for fun.

Steampunk Mecha

- Mecha is derived from the word mechanics, which is the heart and soul of the above inventions, hence the name Mecha. They are used for anything from combat, to transport, to agriculture tools.

Steampunk Arm Machine Gun

Possibly their most famous idea of all, physically attaching a machine gun (or any firearm) to one's arm. If you appreciate the concept of steampunk, your reaction should be "OMG Abraham Lincoln has a machine gun for an arm!"

Steampunk culture became popularized by authors such as Jules Verne is his famous novel '30,000 Leagues Under The Sea'. It was so 'new' and 'interesting' it inspired the spin-off genres Dieselpunk and Cyberpunk.

Steampunk culture is used in movies to make sets more interesting and unique. Its not everyday you see a steam-powered robot walking around messing everybody's day up.

A popular movie with strong Steampunk influence, even though you probably over-looked it at first, is Hellboy-The Golden Army.

My Attempt At a Steampunk Themed Drawing

The dominant element in this drawing is the fountain, placed between two 'rivers' of flowing water. Objects drawn in a Steampunk image cannot be shaded and the colour of the objects is constructed by finely arranging lines of different density in terms of colour and size. The gear trees in the top right corner of my drawing are also a major part of Steampunk culture as gears enable the steam-powered machinery coined by the Steampunks to work.