Thursday, January 31, 2013

Final 2d design project (Surface design)

iPhone Cover

iPad Cover

We designed these covers using a variety of items that you probably wouldn't expect, such as cookies, leaves and limes. Each team member designed their own cover initially.

Upon returning to the lab to ponder the  design concept, we realised all our designs had something in common. From there, we made adjustments to fulfill the brief and create a strong story line.

The story is of Adam, Eve and the Tree of Life which brought us further away from God and man's worldly quest for knowledge, unveiling the truth behind naturalism.


A silhouette is a solid shape of a person and/or object filled with a single colour, most commonly black. Silhouettes became popular in the mid 18th century. The term was then extended to represent a person, object or scene that is backlit.

The silhouette image above proves that an image doesn't need colour or a fancy scene to tell its story. Based on this example of a silhouette, we can clearly see what is going on in the picture and that it has a positive atmosphere to it.


I think we all know who this is. Mr. T!!! The A-Team guy if you didn't know... These two give the definition of a silhouette to be a blackened scene or person in front of a lighter background, also showing that a silhouette doesn't necessarily have to be black and white.

In this image, we can see the people as silhouettes because of the backlighting from the sun. The term for this is 'in silhouette'.

This silhouette proves that the subject of the silhouette doesn't have to be black. It can be white, as long as it fits the original definition of a silhouette.

My Silhouettes

The front cover- The Book of The Dead.

Yeah, I told you...

This picture shows two adventurers in the desert looking for treasure. the come upon a pyramid and decide its time for some tomb raiding. (Notice the awesomely drawn sarcophagus in the fourth picture)

A mummy bursts out from the sarcophagus and starts to chase the raiders for disturbing his peaceful resting. (maybe he just wanted a hug?) Regardless of the mummy's intentions, the raiders run for their lives in search of the tomb's exit.

Upon the awakening of the dark lord, a mystical sword rises from the sand and... well obviously its the only weapon that can kill the dark lord. (haven't you seen The Mummy?) They manage to thrust the sword into the mummy and... somehow he ends up lying completely straight on the ground.

(My apologies to those of you who suffer neck problems after reading this post as I failed to rotate the pictures after countless attempts. I will not be paying any medical bills. :P )

The End.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Tessellation is symmetric designs which fit together in a repetitive pattern like a jigsaw puzzle, without overlaps or gaps. Examples or tessellation in daily life are tiled floors and brick walls.

Tessellation has been around since ancient times and is still in use today. It was made popular my M.C. Escher who studied the Moorish use of symmetry in a palace in the Islamic region of Spain.

Tessellation with Figure Ground

Motif: Shapes

Tessellation with Closure

Motif: Flames

Tessellation with Proximity

Motif: Television

Tessellation with Similarity

Motif: Heat

Tessellation with Continuity

Motif: Elevators

Tessellation with Alignment

Motif: Aeroplanes

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Silent Hill: Revelations

Now we all know Silent Hill was made famous by the games, Silent Hill 1,2,3 and 4.  If you ask me, the games are much scarier than the movie. I'm not saying I'm a scaredy-cat, but the anticipation of knowing there's an enemy somewhere near you ready to attack, and the disturbing sounds they make, all adds to the unique experience which is Silent Hill.

Ah, the famous sign "Welcome to Silent Hill". Sure, it is a welcome sign, but it kinda says "Hey, you're gettin yourself into some deep shit, but sure, come on in!"

So, first impression of it, not bad *obama meme*. The set, graphics and make up were very impressive. Everything complimented by everything else (does that make any sense?) The sound effects also made the appearance of the 'creatures' even worse. Speaking of the 'creatures', the director has cleverly manipulated what would be normal characters in daily life into, basically, abominations.

Thats what I was talking about. Nurses, but all... messed up. No faces, filthy uniforms and a creepy stance. Makes the 'haunted hospital' idea ten times worse. I mean, imagine waking up in a hospital bed, to that ^. The storyline was average, telling the tale of a girl, Heather, who upon her 18th birthday, discovers she is not who she thinks she is. Then her dad disappears and there's the hero boy who does what he can to help the girl. Its all kinda corny if you ask me. But the above scene was probably my favourite. While watching this scene, and they're coming towards the camera, I felt trapped in my seat. Like they were actually coming for me. Me. No. Gusta.

Not to forget the classic icon of Silent Hill, Pyramid head! :D He's one messed up executioner/torturer who's sole purpose in life is to scare the shit out of you, inflict unworldly pain and kill. Based on the picture above, you can see he likes to keep his work close. Weirdo.

All in all, I rate the movie with a 6.5/10, backed up mostly by great make up, graphics and a great set. The story didn't really do it for me, but it is the kind of movie I would watch again if I came across it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Steam Punk

To be honest, I wasn't completely disheartened when I found out about the steampunk assignment, even though I've never been exactly sure of what on Earth it is, other than knowing its some sort of culture. So naturally, I went looking for the best information I could get, which is from history and special sites dedicated to it.

What I learned from a sort of brief scan through, is that steampunk actually consists of artistic and literary styles which take place in alternate realities where advanced technology is made possible with the help of steam engines, hence the name 'steam'.

If you see some of their ideas, you'll probably be like "ohh, so that's steampunk!" cause you've probably seen it somewhere, in a game or even a movie.

Steampunk Tank

Now that looks like one badass piece of machinery. Looks like it can wipe the floor with modern army tanks. I'd hate to wage a war with people who have this sort of artillery in their ranks.

Steampunk Computer (looks more like a console, but trust me, it's a computer)

No, it doesn't look very modern, but you have to admit it has a catchy look to it doesn't it? Actually using one would put you in a whole different world and make your imagination go wild. Admit it, you want one. Just for fun.

Steampunk Mecha

- Mecha is derived from the word mechanics, which is the heart and soul of the above inventions, hence the name Mecha. They are used for anything from combat, to transport, to agriculture tools.

Steampunk Arm Machine Gun

Possibly their most famous idea of all, physically attaching a machine gun (or any firearm) to one's arm. If you appreciate the concept of steampunk, your reaction should be "OMG Abraham Lincoln has a machine gun for an arm!"

Steampunk culture became popularized by authors such as Jules Verne is his famous novel '30,000 Leagues Under The Sea'. It was so 'new' and 'interesting' it inspired the spin-off genres Dieselpunk and Cyberpunk.

Steampunk culture is used in movies to make sets more interesting and unique. Its not everyday you see a steam-powered robot walking around messing everybody's day up.

A popular movie with strong Steampunk influence, even though you probably over-looked it at first, is Hellboy-The Golden Army.

My Attempt At a Steampunk Themed Drawing

The dominant element in this drawing is the fountain, placed between two 'rivers' of flowing water. Objects drawn in a Steampunk image cannot be shaded and the colour of the objects is constructed by finely arranging lines of different density in terms of colour and size. The gear trees in the top right corner of my drawing are also a major part of Steampunk culture as gears enable the steam-powered machinery coined by the Steampunks to work.