Thursday, January 31, 2013


A silhouette is a solid shape of a person and/or object filled with a single colour, most commonly black. Silhouettes became popular in the mid 18th century. The term was then extended to represent a person, object or scene that is backlit.

The silhouette image above proves that an image doesn't need colour or a fancy scene to tell its story. Based on this example of a silhouette, we can clearly see what is going on in the picture and that it has a positive atmosphere to it.


I think we all know who this is. Mr. T!!! The A-Team guy if you didn't know... These two give the definition of a silhouette to be a blackened scene or person in front of a lighter background, also showing that a silhouette doesn't necessarily have to be black and white.

In this image, we can see the people as silhouettes because of the backlighting from the sun. The term for this is 'in silhouette'.

This silhouette proves that the subject of the silhouette doesn't have to be black. It can be white, as long as it fits the original definition of a silhouette.

My Silhouettes

The front cover- The Book of The Dead.

Yeah, I told you...

This picture shows two adventurers in the desert looking for treasure. the come upon a pyramid and decide its time for some tomb raiding. (Notice the awesomely drawn sarcophagus in the fourth picture)

A mummy bursts out from the sarcophagus and starts to chase the raiders for disturbing his peaceful resting. (maybe he just wanted a hug?) Regardless of the mummy's intentions, the raiders run for their lives in search of the tomb's exit.

Upon the awakening of the dark lord, a mystical sword rises from the sand and... well obviously its the only weapon that can kill the dark lord. (haven't you seen The Mummy?) They manage to thrust the sword into the mummy and... somehow he ends up lying completely straight on the ground.

(My apologies to those of you who suffer neck problems after reading this post as I failed to rotate the pictures after countless attempts. I will not be paying any medical bills. :P )

The End.